You are being invited to take part in research carried out by Home Office Digital, Data, and Technology (DDaT). This will inform the improvement of the website, Submit a Pleasure Craft Report (SPCR).
Please read this information sheet carefully before agreeing to take part. If you’re not sure about anything, or if you would prefer to receive this information in a different format, please
contact us. You can also discuss with a colleague, friend or family member. This information sheet is for you to print and keep.
What’s involved?
The survey will take 5 minutes to complete. To participate in this survey, you must be a user of the SPCR website, or likely to start using the website in the near future.
How will my personal data be collected, stored, and shared?
The survey will ask for your demographic information and usage of SPCR. Your responses will be confidential and anonymised, and your answers will be stored confidentially on a secure password protected server, with access restricted to members of the research and research operations team that require it. We will use your responses solely for research purposes and to produce anonymised statistical research findings that will be shared within the Home Office.
When completing the survey, if you would like us to invite you to the next stage of our research, you can provide your name and email address. If you do include this information, we will ensure your personal details are stored separately from your demographic information and kept confidential. We will not use your personal details for any purpose other than to invite you to the next stage of this research. We will not retain a record of your email address past the end of this research or for more than 24 months (whichever comes sooner). You may participate in the survey without providing any of your personal details.
If you have any questions about the research study, please contact:
Your right to withdraw your data
Your participation in this study is voluntary and you can withdraw at any time. If you do not complete the survey the data will be discarded. If you complete the survey and decide to withdraw at a later point you can email and request that the data be deleted. you can withdraw all of your data up until the point where we start analysis. After this point, you can still ask for your personal data to be deleted but it may not be possible to remove your anonymised data from reports that have already been shared with others.
You will not receive an incentive for completing the survey.
Your right to complain
Home Office DDaT is a Company Partner of the Market Research Society (MRS). This research is being carried out in accordance with the MRS
Code of Conduct. If you would like to make a complaint, you can contact the MRS by calling
0800 975 9596 or by completing their online
complaint form.